Naturopathic medicine in Lancaster, PA, is based on the belief that the human body has an innate healing ability. Consequently, naturopathic doctors (NDs) teach their clients to use nutrition and lifestyle changes to address concerns.  In addition, they use natural therapies to enhance their bodies’ ability to ward off and combat disease. NDs view the client as a complex, interrelated system (a whole person), not as a clogged artery or a tumor. Therefore, naturopathic physicians craft recommendations that blend the best of modern medical science and traditional natural medical approaches to not only address disease, but to also restore health.  Overall, they give clients a sense of hope and relief that they can achieve a return to total body wellness through identification and elimination of the causes of illness.  naturopathic medicine lancaster pa

6 Principles of Naturopathic Medicine in Lancaster, PA

Let nature heal. Our bodies have such a powerful, innate instinct for self-healing. Thus, by finding and removing the barriers to this self-healing—such as poor diet or unhealthy habits—naturopathic physicians can nurture this process.

Identify and address causes. Naturopathic physicians understand that symptoms will only return unless the root illness is addressed. In contrast, they seek to find and address the cause of these symptoms rather then cover them up.

First, do no harm. Naturopathic physicians follow three precepts to ensure their clients’ safety: Use low-risk procedures and healing compounds—such as natural supplements, herbal extracts and homeopathy—with few or no side effects. When possible, do not suppress symptoms, which are the body’s efforts to self-heal. For example, the body may cook up a fever in reaction to a bacterial infection. Fever creates an inhospitable environment for the harmful bacteria, thereby destroying it. Of course, the naturopathic physician would not allow the fever to get dangerously high. Most noteworthy, ND’s customize each plan to fit each client. We all heal in different ways and the naturopathic physician respects our differences.

Educate. Naturopathic medicine believes that doctors must be educators, as well as physicians. That’s why naturopathic physicians teach their clients how to eat, relax and nurture themselves physically and emotionally. They also encourage self-responsibility and work closely with each client.

Address the whole person. We each have a unique physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, sexual and spiritual makeup. The naturopathic physician knows that all these factors affect our health. That’s why she includes them in a carefully tailored health strategy.

Prevent illness. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has never been truer. Proactive medicine saves money, pain, misery and lives. That’s why naturopathic physicians evaluate risk factors and vulnerability to disease. 


  • Macronutrients of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates- their biochemistry, role in a healthy body, and optimal amounts
  • Micronutrients of vitamins and minerals- their bodily requirements, food sources, toxicity sources, and how they are processed in the body from absorption, digestion, storage, to elimination
  • A dietary assessment to determine if an individual is getting enough macro and micronutrients or has nutritional deficiencies
  • Analysis of diet types: whole food, Mediterranean, food sensitivities, autoimmune, hormone specific
  • Food attitudes, cultures, socio-economics, and preconceptions that impact an individual’s nutrition choices and ability to successfully adopt and maintain healthy nutrition
  • Clinical nutrition, and nutrient or nutraceutical therapy, including evidence-based use of vitamins, supplements, as integral supports for the health and optimal function of all major body systems.  This includes training on how adverse effects related to individual body systems can impact a person’s nutrition status, as well as how nutrition can be applied to optimize the health and performance of each system
  • Advanced clinical nutrition, including the application of specific evidence-based diets and nutrients to support specific conditions such as autoimmune conditions, hormone issues, IBS, skin issues, chronic pain
  • Supplement-drug interaction, including prescribed drug and nutrient interaction as well as nutrient-botanical interactions

Naturopathic Medicine and Nutrition

Many health symptoms and conditions have nutrition at the root of the issues.  Trained to address root causes, naturopathic doctors are experts at identifying illnesses and conditions with nutritional causes and tailoring recommendations to individual needs.  Overall, naturopathic doctors understand how difficult it can be for individuals to change nutrition, regardless of how medically essential it is.  No two people are alike, and many individual and societal factors impact food choices and nutritional status including family life, finances, time, personal preferences, and more.  Understanding where the client is and meeting them there can support success.  Naturopathic doctors work with clients in a step-by-step fashion to implement nutritional changes.  By doing so, Dr. Lee utilizes naturopathic medicine, to empower clients to play an active role in their nutrition.  Hence, leading to better health over time.