Thyroid Testing in Lancaster, PA, provides comprehensive thyroid testing beyond the conventional testing of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone).  Your thyroid is ‘normal’ because it falls within the normal TSH range.  However, you still experience all the symptoms of something gone wrong with your thyroid.  These symptoms could be fatigue, weight gain, body swelling, cold intolerance, hot flashes, low immune system, receding eyebrows, heart palpitations, hormone imbalances.  If your doctor is just testing TSH, you may be missing what exactly is going on with your thyroid.  For example, you may have an issue converting free thyroid hormones.  Or, you have an autoimmune component to your thyroid that has been missed.

thyroid testing Lancaster PA

In addition, a critical piece to testing your thyroid function is to check your immune system, as any issues with your immune system will directly affect your thyroid.  Another critical piece to test is your adrenal function, as your adrenals and thyroid work very close together.  When one is off, it oftentimes affects the other.

You may also want to add on other hormone testing to cover all your bases, as all of your hormones work together for optimal health.  One option is DUTCH hormone testing.

Fees for Thyroid Testing in Lancaster, PA (scroll down to bottom of Fees page)